Patient Board

Patient Board

The Patient Board is a full-screen information board specific to a patient room and is part of the Television Distribution Utility. This service eliminates the need for large white boards in each patient room that have to be updated physically by the clinician. The Patient Board includes patient name, current care provider and physician, interactive pain management reference, medications, and other traditionally preferred white board indicators. Patient Board can update current providers as clinicians log into to patient’s chart at the beginning of a shift change and as updates happen in the patient chart. This requires Epic to send additional pertinent information established in the whiteboard communications to the Recovery Network server for in-room delivery.

Item Included on the Patient Board
  • Hospital name and department
  • Room number and floor
  • Date and time
  • Patient name
  • Physician name(s) and contact
  • RN/care provider on duty and contact
  • Pain level
  • Current medications, last medication time
  • Discharge departure goal
  • Programmable for hospital-desired communications

Not a Separate Fee

All services are provided and grouped into two categories of monthly service fees for billing; mobile or broadcast. See pricing page for more information.

Video Explanation Slideshow

A video explanation of how the patient education platform works, what education we provide, and why we are different than other providers can be viewed by request. Contact us today.

Mobile Overview for Admitting Staff

How to use the service for in-patients and out-patients.

Who We Are

How the broadcast system adds communication to everything you do.

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