Mobile Access

Mobile Access
Each patient receives the appropriate video education to their mobile device or hospital-specific mobile device such as an iPad or a tablet. Integration is not required to begin and can be implemented when it fits into IT’s schedule. Integration available to all major EMR providers.

Service Description
Mobile education allows for facility-specific education and branding. A client can upload pre-existing facility videos and add personalized welcomes and specific services instruction. Specialty physicians and hospitals can benefit by cross-promotion of other services, as well as building trust through personal messages that convey your mission or values. Select your choice of 120 clinical patient education videos from recognized providers and begin visually educating your patients immediately. The system can educate a patient on their own mobile device or on in-house iPads and tablets.
There is no hardware purchase or any additional expenses beyond the monthly fee. The system allows for diagnosis and procedure education, education tracking and written reports. It is designed for healthcare providers including hospitals, doctor offices, and clinics.
Mobile Benefits
- Accessible at any time
- Ability to educate a patient before they arrive
- Resources to pass patients to care provider after discharge
- Gives hospitals a home page that allows one-touch dialing for facility phone numbers
- Patients have immediate address and GPS to your hospital location
- Patients have your list of after-care providers with same call and address benefits
Not a Separate Fee
All services are provided and grouped into two categories of monthly service fees for billing; mobile or broadcast. See pricing page for more information.
Video Explanation Slideshow
A video explanation of how the patient education platform works, what education we provide, and why we are different than other providers can be viewed by request. Contact us today.
Mobile Overview for Admitting Staff
How to use the service for in-patients and out-patients.
Who We Are
How the broadcast system adds communication to everything you do.
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