Hospital Channel

Hospital Channel and Broadcast Platform

When a patient turns on the in-room television they are welcomed by your hospital through a variety of videos that may communicate your service standards, mission, or facility-specific instruction that helps them navigate your hospital. This professional feed displays the continuity of your hospital group branding and messaging for standardized distribution the way only a broadcast can do.

The hospital channel can communicate as much or as little as a facility desires, with opportunities to communicate parking, patient privacy, restaurant locations, ER protocols, and much more. It's ideal for marketing and promotion of hospital services, events, and other recognitions. HR can recognize outstanding staff or employment opportunities.

The hospital channel can operate without complete broadcast services and can be used within existing cable services with a simple software download. Uploading your content to the system can be done by email to a Recovery Network Channel Advocate or uploaded directly through a hospital URL portal. Content quality control is subject to review and must meet broadcast scope standards.

Not a Separate Fee

All services are provided and grouped into two categories of monthly service fees for billing; mobile or broadcast. See pricing page for more information.

Video Explanation Slideshow

A video explanation of how the patient education platform works, what education we provide, and why we are different than other providers can be viewed by request. Contact us today.

Mobile Overview for Admitting Staff

How to use the service for in-patients and out-patients.

Who We Are

How the broadcast system adds communication to everything you do.

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