Chapel Channel

Chapel Channel

A Chapel Channel is a great way for patients to witness a live or pre-recorded chapel service without leaving their patient room. Having a designated chapel channel is more significant than one can imagine, since a patient's recovery journey can often include spiritual evaluation and encouragement. Having the comforting words of a chaplain, affiliated clergy and thoughtful sermons/homilies can bring a great sense of comfort. Within a hospital group, a chapel channel can represent an even more significant volume of programming, with input opportunities from a variety of chaplains and chapel services within their affiliation. This channel can also be used for announcements and other bulletin communications.

A camera signal communicates/distributes directly to an individual channel input located at the cable headend.

Additional Services

Recovery Network also provides a one-touch chapel studio setup, which allows clergy to operate a chapel broadcast and sound with the push of one button. The live feed overrides a server looping video which includes video slideshow announcements, prayers, and possibly personal stories of patient recoveries. Once a live feed is discontinued, the system defaults back to the looping server video.

Not a Separate Fee

All services are provided and grouped into two categories of monthly service fees for billing; mobile or broadcast. See pricing page for more information.

Video Explanation Slideshow

A video explanation of how the patient education platform works, what education we provide, and why we are different than other providers can be viewed by request. Contact us today.

Mobile Overview for Admitting Staff

How to use the service for in-patients and out-patients.

Who We Are

How the broadcast system adds communication to everything you do.

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