Affiliate Awards

Affiliate Awards

The Recovery Network Education Affiliate Awards Program provides revenue for hospitals whose affiliated physicians and after-discharge healthcare resources engage in education under the hospital’s banner. Education played on an old-style looping video channel does not represent you or the current clinical education very well. It's time for a change if you want your hospital readmission numbers to improve. This broadcast solution provides patients the opportunity to actively participate in their own patient satisfaction and reduced readmissions, but it can't work with outdated hardware and equipment. Today's education requires two-way communication, which requires a hospital to have the ability to both send and receive messages from their patient rooms. This cannot be done without updating your traditional cable delivery. The Recovery Network Smart System distributes education and facility communication more effectively throughout the patient’s journey and helps pay to get a hospital up to speed when they adopt the affiliate program.

Here’s why the program works.

Physician offices prior to a patient’s hospital visit and after-discharge healthcare resources such as a dialysis center, rehab, home care, and medical equipment are required to offer the education coverage provided by the hospital. By engaging these affiliates, a hospital is taking the first step at bridging the communication gap prior to a patient hospital visit and after they are discharged. This required clinical education from your hospital is supported by mandated education from the Joint Commission and provides immediate access to all clinical education under the hospital banner, including procedure-specific education, facility awareness, and an after-discharge resource guide.

Additional information about how the affiliated program pays for televisions and other materials requires a letter of interest from potential client hospitals.

Not a Separate Fee

All services are provided and grouped into two categories of monthly service fees for billing: mobile or broadcast. No additional fees are required by a hospital to participate in the Affiliated Awards Program. See billing for more info.

Video Explanation Slideshow

A video explanation of how the patient education platform works, what education we provide, and why we are different than other providers can be viewed by request. Contact us today.

Mobile Overview for Admitting Staff

How to use the service for in-patients and out-patients.

Who We Are

How the broadcast system adds communication to everything you do.

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